Expanding the World’s Collection of Open Assets for Open Education Week 2024

A new approach to sharing open assets.

Traditionally for Open Education Week we have called for the sharing of open “assets” published to our own collection (see the archive of 716 resources added through 2023). But since the concept of this week in March includes a distributed schedule of events hosted around the world, this year we are turning the resource sharing as well to be globally distributed.

We ask the open education community between now and the end of March to share as many existing or new OERs to any repository that they choose — well known large ones, regional collections, or institutional ones. The repositories listed below are options on the form but you can designate any repository. The only requirement is that what you share is openly available and clearly licensed for reuse.

What you share can be any open educational resource- a media item, an activity worksheet, and interactive learning activity, an online lesson, an open course, an open textbook, an open published paper. You choose where to share it.

In this way, we are aiming to increase across the world over the next few months, a massive influx of open resources made available worldwide.

We ask you to simply share the title, a link, the OER repository you have made it available, and how to credit the sharing so we can benchmark these contributions for the time between now and Open Education Week.

Progress To Date

The weekly total to now:

Contribute and Explore OERs Added

About the OE Week Asset Collection

Opens the form for you to enter your information about the asset(s) you shared

Browse, search, and explore what has OERs have been added so far

Suggested Repositories

We have listed a few OER Repositories listed below as options in the OERs Added Around the World form. There are many, many more, this is just a sample. You can add the name of any repository you have chosen to share your OER for Open Education Week.

Comprehensive, Multi-Format Repositories

Large Open Textbook Repositories


This list was drafted via a discussion in OEG Connect. We invite you to add suggestions there for repositories we should add to the form or you can contact us via info@openeducationweek.org

Regional Repositories

Featured Image credit: dirks LEGO globe – playing 02 flickr photo by dirkb86 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license