Almost There, Here as in… a few days away

That means (checking the clock) Open Education Week starts by the calendar in four days, with well over 200 events added, and more coming in.

Please explore the new display of the world wide events that this year is set up to show dates and times in your local time zone, offers many new ways to find events by day, organizer, session types, tags.

If you notice we are not limiting events to be within the strict March 4-8 time frame, so please feel welcome to add any Open Education related events that you might be organizing into the end of the month. Because “open” is in our name, we will leave the event form open.

And we appreciate seeing new resources coming into our Open Assets Explorer, where this year we encouraged you to put your assets into some existing repository or collection (learn more about this idea), and just let us know where they are. We will be encouraging all week month long to contribute more resources.

You can look forward to daily news posts with highlighted upcoming events and shared assets, plus other ways you can participate in Open Education Week, e.g. adding to the conversations in OEG Connect.

For example here is a fun way to share where you are and what you are doing this week, make a remix of our digital postcard. You can download, reuse, and share.

OE Week Digital Postcard available for you to remix thanks to the Fabulous Remixer Machine by Visual Thinkery.

Look as well for the series of OE Week Live webcasts OEGlobal is running next week, watch the streams live, chat with the studio, or better yet, sign up to be on camera with us and share your open education efforts.

Please as well make frequent reuse of the OE Week branded media available in the visuals kit, including Open Education Week icons, animations, presentation templates, background screens and more.

It’s almost here, can you feel it?

Featured image: Almost There / Here / Where? flickr photo by cogdogblog shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license