In previous years of Open Education Week we have put out a call for open assets, set up form, and collected entries in our own database (see the archive). Since the events calendar of OEWeek are truly distributed around the world, we decided to flip the open asset collection to be distributed too.
For 2024 we are asking to add to the global collection by adding any open assets you have created, modified for use, into any of the many world wide OER repositories. Can we collectively boost the global collection? Learn more at Expanding the World’s Collection of Open Assets for Open Education Week.
What you share can be any open asset- a media item, resource, lesson plan, activity, open textbook, a course or program. It can be a newly developed asset, but can also be an exisiting one, just expand the places in the world where it can be found.
Where you share is up to you. It’s very likely your organization operates its own repository, or recommends use of a regional one. Or you can add to a general one like OER Commons.
All we ask is to share what you shared and where in our open assets shared form so we can show the world what we have contributed between now and the end of the month for Open Education Week (March). Note that we have a few (of so many) repositories listed to choose from, but of course there are many more, so you can just enter the name of the one you used.
Do you have something to share for the world? The results are available to browse as the are added in our Newly Shared Open Assets Explorer.

If you find something of interest there, let everyone know in OEG Connect.
Featured Image credit: BC-4 World Primary Network flickr photo by kat m research shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license cropped slightly to fit header.