OEWeek 2024 … Day 1 begins!

Are you ready? 

The first of 244 anticipated (and counting) Open Education Week events started this morning at Nguyen Tat Thanh University in Vietnam, MIT-ADT University Pune in India, and the University of Technology Sydney in Australia!

There will be 52 activities throughout the day, ending with a LibreTexts event at Davis, CA, United States and the 3rd OEWeek Live! session of the day!

Start your journey with our new, flexible global events calendar that represents 250+ community-contributed activities. All events are displayed in your own local time, and you can use a feature on any event to add them directly to your own calendar

Explore the events happening today

There are at least 52  activities happening today– noting that “Today” is relative to where you are in the world. You will find ones  from Algeria, Australia, France, Saudi Arabia, Viet Nam, India, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom,  along with many from the USA and Canada

Here are just a few of the events happening today!

Also, look for groups of events throughout the week, such as:

Do these OEWeek Activities:
Join the conversations:
Add to these longer Open Education Campaigns:

Tune into OEWeek Live Sessions

The community hit – OEWeek Live! – is back for a second season! Join Alan Levine and other inspiring Open Education leaders in the conversation in the studio, or as the audience. All sessions are live, and posted direct to YouTube to be watched again at leisure.

Today’s OEWeek Live schedule includes

(All times UTC. Links will show in the default timezone of your browser.)

View the OEWeek Live Schedule on OEG Connect

Explore the Open Education Assets Showcase!

Explore the 57 OERs and Education Assets that have been added by community members: these OERs come highly recommended, are the best, have withstood the tests, and are trusted year after year (add yours). Below are a handful that have been shared … explore them all here.

Living in Washington: Geography, Resources, and Economy