Indeed we use the word “open” often here at OEGlobal (it’s part of our name!) and also for Open Education Week. And by “this way” we mean, in this direction!
But the open I am referring to as being “this way” is this new Open Education Web site being created for the 2024 version of Open Education Week. If you ar enot familiar with this annual event, there is a page of information under About in the top menu.
Of course many people coming to this site have experience participating in Open Education Week. Whether you have conttibuted your own events before or this is the first time, the welcome door is ready for you.
We are going to be adding new features over the next few weeks, but always our first priority is creating a means for you to share your own events. If you know what you are planing to share and perhaps have done this before, you can go directly to the new web form for adding OE Week Events. You will be asked first to log in to this site, but of course, no one has done that before, so you will find another link to create accounts.
Why do we ask those sharing events to create accounts? This will make it much easier for you to update at any time your own events, without asking us for help.
If you have not done this before or maybe just need a reference for the new system, we have an Event Contribution Guide that offers details on the account creation, organizing the information you will need for sharing events (including a copiable planning document), and some more detail to explain the event form elements.
And for anything you need assistance with see our Contact page.
Mostly, we are excited to see the wave of events arriving for Open Education Week 2024.
Featured Image Credit: Open is This Way flickr photo by cogdogblog shared into the public domain using Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0)