We are pleased to see community members creating their accounts here and at this time of writing, we have our first four events shared for Open Education Week. As a reminder we will make a first view of the events calendar publicly available February 14.
As a bit of a fun incentive, I decided to post in OEG Connect an incentive, aka bribe.
We are eager to have our new web site available for Open Education Week, we’ve heard nice things said about it, but– what would really help us out is to have some people who have known events planned to try our new form for adding them to the shared calendar.
I’m not above a bribe. So for the first five people to add an event I am willing to mail you a real Canadian Toonie (2 dollar coin).
That’s right, this could be yours!
But hurry, we have four early entrants, so one Toonie remains.
Regardless, we hope you visit the new web site and try the new event submission form, and start thinking about how you will participate in this year’s open Education Week.
We have definitely passed 5 Open Education Week events submitted. In fact as of this moment, we have dynamic counter that indicates 580 events have been added. That number may change every time you read this story (we hope).
As soon as I contact our winners, the five Toonies will leave my hand and be in the postal mail, going to the people that shared the first five events we received:
- Community Conversations: Managing Knowledge In Communities
- ERASMUS+ Project DI4ALL (Digital Inclusion for all)
- Using Docsify-This for Publishing, Sharing and Reusing Markdown-based Open Content
- CC Open Education Platform webinar: “Wikidata, OER, and Curriculum Alignment in Ghana, Uruguay and Italy”
- Open Educational Resources: Building Equity in Education
Featured Image credit: 2024/366/22 Toonie Bribe flickr photo by cogdogblog shared into the public domain using Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0)