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Building an Open Education Research Community (CCCOER Webinar)
Tue March 5, 2024 @ 8:00 pm - 8:20 pm GMT

Join us for a 20-minute webinar hosted by members of the CCCOER Research & Impact Committee for an introduction to the committee’s history and emerging CCCOER discussions and resources around open educational research and impact. We’ll explore how the committee can seed cross-institutional collaboration and be a place for new research connections. Participants will be invited to share their perspectives on Open Education (OE) research and contribute to ongoing discussions about the impact of open education on institutions and the students they serve.
Following the webinar, we’ll invite participants to share their favorite OE research on OEG Connect.
- Michael LaMagna, Delaware County Community College, Learning Commons
- Amanda Di Battista, Conestoga College, School of Business