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OEW International Workshop Challenges in Open Science & Education
Fri March 8, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm GMT

The 11th edition of the OEW International Workshop, organized on Friday, 8 March 2024, from 11:00 to 17:00, by the Politehnica University of Timișoara, through the Digital Education Department, the Multimedia Center, together with the Alliance of European Universities E³UDRES² and the Ent-r-e-novators project, with the support of the IEEE Romania association, part of the Open Education Week 2024, in room K1 at the Conference Center of the Politehnica University of Timișoara (Vasile Pârvan Boulevard, no. 2 B, next to the Central Library of UPT) and online.
Under the theme of challenges in open science and in open education practices, tools and methods, the presentations will focus on how open science and open educational resources are integrated into everyday activities, especially in university, in research projects and generally in education. The workshop will gather international speakers with presentations, interactive sessions and discussions, and is addressed both to teachers and students, but also to actors in the field of education and training, IT trainers, or human resources departments.
The presentations will be held in English, and participants will receive Open Education Workshop Participant Open Badges online and, in addition, Certificates of Participation for physical participants.
11:00 – Opening Workshop
Introducing E³UDRES² și a Ent-r-e-novators projects
11:15 – Vinciane Gaillard, European University Association
Open science at universities in Europe: an update
11:40 – Karel Luijben, European Open Science Cloud Association
European Open Science Cloud
11:55 – Dragoș-Cătălin Barbu, European Open Science Cloud & ICI Romania
European Open Science Cloud: update and information
12:20 – Alina Irimia, UEFISCDI
Open Science at national level
12:35 – Silviu Vert, Politehnica University of Timisoara
Digital Tools for Open Science
13:00 – Panel discussion: Vinciane Gaillard, Dragoș-Cătălin Barbu, Silviu Vert, Diana Andone (moderator)
The importance of Open Science and Open access for universities
14:30 – Sanita Reinsone, University of Latvia
Experiences of the Institute digital humanities research in Open science projects
15:00 – Radu Vasiu, Liviu Marsavina, Politehnica University of Timisoara
Experiences of Open Science and Open Access in UPT
15:30 – Tassilo Pellegrini, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Management of open licences as a building block of open science initiatives
15:50 – Sílvia Roda Couvaneiro, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal
Open pedagogies and emerging technologies
16:20 – Diana Andone, Politehnica University of Timisoara
The impact of generative artificial intelligence on open education
16:40 – Panel discussion: Sanita Reinsone, Sílvia Roda Couvaneiro, Radu Vasiu, Liviu Marsavina, Diana Andone (moderator)
The importance of open practices for universities
17:00 – Closing and certificates