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Wikiwijs, Wonderous Stories

Wed March 5, 2025 @ 11:00 am - 11:30 am GMT

You want to be involved in a plan for a programme like Wikiwijs…’. So says the first sentence in the foreword to the Wikiwijs 2009-2011 programme plan, written by the chairman of the programme’s steering group, Fred Mulder. On 13 December 2009, the Wikiwijs website was launched at a meeting in Breda. This (school) year therefore marks the 15th anniversary of Wikiwijs.

But before that launch could take place, a lot had already happened. How did the idea of Wikiwijs actually originate? How did the Wikiwijs programme come about? Which activities were carried out during the five years of the programme? What was the ultimate outcome? And what lessons can we learn from it?

In two blogs, Ben Janssen and Robert Schuwer will answer these questions. We do so because much can be learned from 15 years of working on OERs. In our view, the approach Wikiwijs took is, although 15 years ago, still valuable for current initiatives. Especially the role the Dutch government played is particularly interesting.

The first blog post is already published last Friday. On Wednesday, around noon (GMT+1), we aim to publish the second blog post. Both blogs are written in Dutch, but translating online on the fly is of course possible.



Wed March 5, 2025
11:00 am - 11:30 am
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