The dots started appearing on the OER World Map in 2014 as an innovative effort to chart the people, projects, organizations, services, tools, events and policies that make up the world of open education. The map was a project based in Germany operated by hbz and graphthinking GmbH in cooperation with the Open University (UK).
For a period of time the OER World Map faded from the web but fortunately has been brought back through funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and is being further developed by OERinfo and Intevation GmbH.
Whether you were aware of or contributed to the map before or are brand new to it, we are excited to be working with the map makers during the 2025 Open Education Week to add many more dots to the countries represented (green below) and ideally to help bring in the countries not represented (white) onto the map.
To stay updated on the map follow the OER World Map on LinkedIn.

Just by creating an account on the OER World Map, you are supporting the effort. We are asking OE Week participants to first add themselves to the map as part of the network of people, associate themselves with their institution (and add the institution if it does not exist), associate themselves with Open Education Global and Open Education Week, AND, ideally put an open education project, event, service, or policy onto the map.
How much can we do between now and the end of March? That’s up to you.
Visit the OER World Map and look for the Login menu link on the top bar. If you previously had created an account, see if you can log in (you may need to recover a password). However, most people will be new, so click the Register button in the bottom to create an account.
Just by making an account, you are adding something to the map!
Once logged in new users are asked to create their profiles; if you had a previously created account, to edit your information, look under the Me menu and select Profile. Click the pencil icon to edit.
Complete as many of the profile items as possible (most importantly include the location information at least country and city so it can be mapped), you can always return later to refine. Towards the bottom look for the button Show More Fields for Person– and there are many fields! The important ones to pay attention to now include:
- Attending: Start typing Open Education Week 2025 and when the event appears below, select it. You have just associated yourself with OE Week 2025.
- Member of: Here is where you can associate yourself with your institution or organization. Start typing it’s name, and select if it appears. If not listed, we can skip for now as you can later take on the worthy task of adding it to the map.
For now, save your profile. But you have already made important improvements to the OER World Map. Return to the main map via the OER World Map link in the top menu bar.
First search for yourself! See if there is a dot that represents the country where you are located, and hover over the dot to see if you appear as a Person. Click to see how you are represented on the map.
Next, go to the map entry for Open Education Week 2025. If you have added this as an event you are attending to your profile, you should be listed under People Attending. If not look at the top of the page for the I’m Attending button to click.
Doing these steps will help us and the OER World Map staff know how many people we were able to engage with during Open Education Week.
This is just the beginning! Take some time to explore the OER World Map to understand how it is structured, and the many ways to locate information. You may notice that it’s very much like a wiki. If you find an organization or project you are familiar with, you can improve it’s entry by editing its map data.
There’s more to learn next, how to add new information.
As noted above, in just creating your OER World Map account and associating yourself with Open Education Week 2025, you have made a contribution to it as a network of colleagues.
But we hope you are interested in adding more, that is the purpose we see in asking OEWeek25 participants to add to the map (which actually is the database underneath). Are you ready and willing?
What is mapped includes OERs but actually more. We advise reviewing the different types of data you can add to the map. When logged in hover over the Add item in the top menu. After some time exploring and navigating the map, you might understand how these are interconnected.

- Add an Organization. We asked in your set up to associate yourself with the organization you are affiliated. If they are not in the map, you can add it here. Or you can add any other important organization not listed. See the Organizations already mapped, list view.
- Add a Service. Described as “a permanently available offering that provides functionality and value to its users.” would imply a well-established provider, maybe Wikipedia? Openverse? See the Services already mapped, list view.
- Add a Project. Described as “a temporary undertaking intended to accomplish particular tasks under time constraints” might be something supported in a specific timeline, e.g. due to grant support. See the Projects already mapped, list view.
- Add an Event. We expect you know what events are! Please note that you should not add any Open Education Week Events as we are working with the OER World Map team to export that directly from the calendar. But you are welcome to add any other key open education events from other times of the year. See all Events already mapped, list view. or all events tagged oeweek25.
- Add a Tool. The OER World Map defines tools it includes as one ” that can be used to produce and distribute OER or that enables access or contribution to OER in any particular way.” See all Tools already mapped, list view.
- Add a Policy. This includes “a formal regulation or strategy regarding the creation and use of OER.” The OER World Map is the key source to locate examples from the Open Education Policy Hub. By adding or editing any record on the map, you can help build a global directory of open education policies. See all Policies already mapped, list view.
Tag it OEWeek25
For all items you add to the OER World Map during Open Education Week, we would like to track this contribution by tagging all new items oeweek25. When adding items, be sure to click the bottom button to show more fields, and add it to the Tags:

This enables us to see all OEWeek25 contributions on the map and as well look at the statistics of this activity.
For more help on using the OER World Map, please refer to its general Frequently Asked Questions and for adding/entering new information, the Editors FAQ is very helpful, especially on explaining the types of information it collects.
In many ways, the OER World Map is very wiki like- if you find information that is not updated or that you can augment with more information, you can edit any record in the map.
When participating in Open Education Week events, look for organizations, projects, services, tools that you can see if they exist in the map, and if not, add them.
We hope the open education community can make significant additions to the OER World Map. You can ask questions or share your experiences in the OEWeek space of OEG Connect. You can also learn more from Susanne Grimm’s OEG Connect August 2024 post on the OER World Map’s developments as well as a Wednesdays Demo Live webcast Susanne provided in October 2024.
Watch Our Demo
From our OEWeek Live! Webcast February 25, 2025, Alan Levine (OEGlobal) and Susanne Grimm (OER World Map) show how to add to the OER World Map for Open Education Week.
Remember that beyond your own efforts you can add any organization, service, project, tool, policy that you see during Open Education Week.

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