OE Week Library
Collection of open assets shared by the community in previous Open Education Week editions since 2015.
Showing 16 (out of 716) resources
#1. COERLL Community
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning
United States, Austin, TX
#2. Collection of Resources Used at Montgomery College to Promote OERs and Z Courses
Montgomery College
United States, Rockvile
#3. Compendium of Case studies of Open Education in the Mediterranean
UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union - OpenMed project
Italy, Rome
#6. Developing Open Policies For An Open Culture: The DCU-Fuse 24 Hour Open, Online, Global Conversation
Dublin City University
Ireland, Dublin
#8. e-cienciaDatos
Consorcio Madroño: Consorcio de Universidades de la Comunidad de Madrid y de la UNED para la Cooperación Bibliotecaria
Spain, Madrid
#12. e-PG Pathshala: Production of Courseware e-Content for Postgraduate Subjects
India, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
#16. Global OER Graduate Network
The Open University, UK in collaboration with the world!
United Kingdom, Milton Keynes