The Future of AI in Formal and Informal Education Contexts: Inclusion, Ethics and New Perspectives

EDEN Digital Learning Europe Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia

The panel will discuss the potential role and impact of artificial intelligence in both formal and informal educational contexts, highlighting the ethical implications and possibilities in terms of promoting the social and cultural inclusion of different categories of learners, such as those with protected characteristics (such as disability). In the panel, experts will present case […]

Insights on Technology-supported Teaching, Learning and Teacher Development in Contexts of Low Resources and Marginalisation

EDEN Digital Learning Europe Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia

Remote access to educational resources and opportunities for study or professional development increasingly depend on continuous access to technology, particularly smartphones and other mobile devices. Many people find themselves excluded, due to limited personal and local resources as well as multiple forms of marginalisation. In this session we present experiences and research findings from recent […]

Future Skills for a World Shaped by AI

EDEN Digital Learning Europe Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia

“AIComp – Future Skills for a Life World Shaped by AI” marks a pioneering endeavor in the realm of educational and professional development. It is developed through the NextEducation Research Group and presents the most comprehensive study to date on the subject. It sheds light on the evolving requirements that professionals face in both their […]

Rethinking Digital Assessment in the Age of GenAI

EDEN Digital Learning Europe Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia

Join us for this insightful webinar, where we bring together three international experts in educational technologies, digital assessment, and artificial intelligence. In the age of GenAI, understanding its impact on learners’ assessment is very important. This event aims to provide educators with insights into redesigning digital assessment strategies to meet the challenges and potential posed […]

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