Events displayed in timezone: UTC

Students as Knowledge Co-Creators in Clinical & Experiential Learning – The Role of Open Learning

University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario, Canada

This conversation between graduating Windsor Law student Asvini Kulanayagam, Professor Gemma Smyth and moderator Professor Dave Cormier will explore how students can play an instrumental role in co-creating knowledge for other students in professional, work-integrated and experiential contexts. In clinical and experiential programs, sources of knowledge are expanded to include community, clients and colleagues. How […]

Building an Open Engineering Programme

Education Futures, Ireland Sligo, Ireland

This online presentation will argue that we need to move beyond open resources and build full courses and programmes that can be accessed for free.  It will describe a proposed open programme in Mechatronics Engineering, how it may be achieved, the barriers to completion and the progress so far.  This presentation may be of interest […]

Open Climate Data Recommendations and CC Licensing 101

Creative Commons Mountain View, CA, United States

Celebrate the end of Open Education Week 2024 with Creative Commons! In this webinar, we invite you to learn more about our recently released Recommended Best Practices for Better Sharing of Climate Data and the CC licenses and tools that support best practices. Afterwards, there will be time for interactive Q&A about open science, open […]

Open Ed Week 2024: Copyright Unlocked

Rollins College Winter Park, United States

Hosted by Rollins College Olin Library & IDT. Confused about copyright and fair use? Join us for a fun and informative workshop! We'll navigate the often-bewildering world of public domain, fair use, and streaming media, empowering you to confidently create, access, and share information. No legal jargon, just clear explanations and helpful tips. Let's unlock […]

Das Prompt-Labor – generative KI für die Hochschullehre – ein Erfahrungsbericht

Campus Luzern Luzern, Switzerland

Für die Open Education Week @ Campus Luzern berichtet Stefan Göllner, KI Campus, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung über die Erfahrungen bei der Entwicklung und Durchführung des Prompt-Labors. Im Herbst / Winter 2023 bot das Hochschulforum Digitalisierung gemeinsam mit dem KI-Campus das „Prompt-Labor – generative KI für die Hochschullehre“ als Online-Fortbildung an. Über 500 Teilnehmende konnten in den […]

Hacia una estrategia sostenible de REA

Universidad de Alicante Alacant, Alacant, Spain

La Biblioteca de la Universidad de Alicante se suma a la celebración de la Open Education Week, colaborando en la promoción de la educación abierta entre la comunidad universitaria y difundiendo materiales docentes y otro tipo de recursos reutilizables generados en el marco de sus funciones.  De este modo, espera concienciar a la comunidad docente y a la […]

EPALE Akademie: Future Skills – Agiles Arbeiten in der Erwachsenenbildung

Nationale Agentur beim BIBB Bonn, Germany

Vom 7.-28. März veranstaltet EPALE Deutschland die EPALE-Akademie Future Skills - Agiles Arbeiten in der Erwachsenenbildung. Heute benötigtes Wissen, Fertigkeiten, Fähigkeiten und Einstellungen von Menschen unterliegen im Zusammenspiel verschiedener Systeme einem stetigen Wandel. Sich transformierende Kontextbedingungen, die durch die Digitalisierung, Automatisierung, Globalisierung, Klimawandel oder Pandemien beschleunigt werden, verändern auch das Arbeitsumfeld, in dem sich Menschen wiederfinden. […]

Event Series Rentgen Otwartych Zasobów

Rentgen Otwartych Zasobów

AGH University of Krakow Kraków, Poland

Information about your paths with open educational resources, during 5 days of training not only the basic theoretical foundations, but above all, experience of working with open resources. Several tools are waiting for you, equipped with improved search, selection, resource utilization and sharing tools. The training is open to teachers and academic teachers as well […]

Navigating the impact of GenAI disruption with Open Educational Practices

University of Technology Sydney Sydney, Australia

We continue to celebrate Open Education Week with our keynote speaker, Paul Stacey, Former Executive Director of Open Education Global. During this one-hour online session, Paul will highlight the pedagogical approaches to AI training, delve into the current practices of employing Generative AI (GenAI) for generating Open Educational Resources (OER), and explore how Open Educational Practices […]

The Magazine Cover Story: LibreTexts Engages Students’ Interests and Insights through Snippets and Snapshots

LibreTexts Davis, CA, United States

This session is both a presentation and a discussion of how instructors and students engage with LibreTexts Open Educational Resources (OER) through a creative semester-long assignment. The three co-presenters -- one professor and her students -- share their perspectives on the use of LibreTexts as a foundation for a project in two different courses: interpersonal […]

Virtual Watch Party – Building Open Community: Lessons from the Commons

Open Oregon Portland, OR, United States

Rajiv Jhangiani delivered a powerful keynote address at this year’s Open Education Conference. We’ll watch the recorded session synchronously via Zoom with the option to use the chat feature for real-time discussion. Hosted by Open Oregon Educational Resources.

Converting Your Math Classes to OER With LibreTexts

LibreTexts Davis, CA, United States

Over a period of three semesters, the Mathematics department at Cosumnes River College transformed their entire STEM pathway to OER materials and textbooks using the LibreTexts platform. At this point, a student can earn an A.S. in Mathematics at CRC without paying anything for course materials (at least in the mathematics classes). Additionally, this transition […]

Moving Open Education Forward through Faculty Governance

Moreno Valley College Moreno Valley, CA, United States

This presentation by Dr. Daniel Wilson, Open Education Librarian at Moreno Valley College (MVC), discusses the vital role of faculty governance in moving forward with open education initiatives. It will present the story of MVC's Course Materials Affordability Committee; how that body was created as a part of the community college's Faculty Senate, the reception […]

Introduction to Populating Learning Trees in LibreTexts Open Homework and Assessment Platform, ADAPT

LibreTexts Davis, CA, United States

Join LibreTexts Founder and Executive Director, Delmar Larsen, as he shows you how to populate learning trees in LibreTexts open homework and assessment platform, ADAPT. Currently sponsored by the California Education Learning Lab (CELL), ADAPT is free for all California instructors and students for the next three years. For educators outside of California, ADAPT is […]

In Your Likeness: The Anatomy Video and Imagery Diversity (AVID) project- presented by Dave Andrews

University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario, Canada

The purpose of the Anatomy Video and Imagery Diversity (AVID) project is to create anatomical illustrations and short instructional videos that depict the diversity of humans, including people of different ages, sexes, body compositions, skin tones, hair colours and styles. People with amputations, prosthetics, tattoos and piercings are also portrayed in the images that have […]

LibreTexts Intro for College of Lake County

College of Lake County Grayslake, IL, United States

Join LibreTexts Founder and Executive Director, Delmar Larsen, as he introduces College of Lake County faculty to LibreTexts, a user-friendly open education resource platform where educators can locate, customize, and share textbooks, adaptive homework, and other ancillary materials.

Open Educational Resources (OER) Showcase

University of Victoria Libraries Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

This event is supported by BCcampus and UVic Libraries. Please join UVic Libraries, ePublishing Services on Thursday, March 7 from 1:00pm-2:30pm PST, for our Open Educational Resources (OER) Showcase! This event, in celebration of Open Education Week 2024, is a panel discussion between UVic authors who have created open textbooks. After the panel discussion, there will be an […]

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