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TeachBooks Workshop: Implement your Ideas Now!

Delft University of Technology Delft, Netherlands

Are you interested in creating an online interactive textbook? Have you seen other online educational resources and are ready to dive deeper? This hands-on workshop will guide you through the process of creating and using online textbooks in your teaching. The TeachBooks Team has helped dozens of teachers create their own online books, even those […]

Affordable Learning KY’s Virtual Symposium – Community Connections: A Place for Everyone

Affordable Learning Kentucky Frankfort, KY, United States

Join ALKY for a day-long symposium celebrating OE community connections in Kentucky and beyond.  Sessions will include a keynote with Dr. Natalie Allen from OpenStax, an exploration of the possibilities afforded by the Manifold digital publishing platform with Robin Miller of CUNY, student and faculty panels on the impacts of OER and OEP, and an […]

OEP Around the World

Das Startchancen-Programm Berlin, Germany

OEP (Open Education Practices) and OER (Open Educational Resources)  both are important pillars of the OE Movement. While OER is well defined and is widely used on a daily basis, OEP may have a broader understanding throughout different stakeholders within the educational sector. Since its launch in 2022 the German OER Strategy has contributed to […]

Creative Commons Licenses: What are they, and how can I use them?

Karlstad University 65188 Karlstad, Sweden

Creative Commons licenses are a possibility for you, as a creator of an original work, to define the copyright of your work, making it more shareable. In this workshop we explain the licensing elements and how it is possible to combine them. We will also guide you through how you might be able to use […]

ENOEL WS#10 Embrace the Open: Advocating for Open Education through its own tools

Europe Rome, DC, Italy

We are delighted to invite you to the tenth event in our ENOEL Workshop series, organised by SPARC Europe and the European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL): "WS#10 Embrace the Open: Advocating for Open Education through its own tools". Our workshop facilitators are: Sylvia Moes (SURF, Netherlands) Lambert Heller (TIB- Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Germany) […]

Teachers Empowering Teachers: Finding and Reusing OER

Delft University of Technology Delft, Netherlands

What to Expect: Learn: Examples of best (and worst) practices and common challenges in finding and reusing OER. Share: Your own experiences, challenges, and successes. Collaborate: Work with peers to identify solutions and collectively improve OER practices.   This session is perfect for teachers looking to explore new resources, overcome challenges in their teaching, and […]

An introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER)

Technological University of the Shannon Westmeath, Westmeath, Ireland

Join Maura Flynn, OER Librarian at Technological University of the Shannon Libraries during Open Education Week 2025, to discuss how OER can support your teaching and learning. The Learning Outcomes for this short session include: Defining Open Educational Resources (OER) Exploring OER examples and how to source relevant OER Discussing the benefits of OER for […]

Shaping future generations with AI and OER in Early Development

TUSOME Dar Es Salaam, Kinondoni, Tanzania, United Republic of

The event on March 4th during Open Education Week at TUSOME offices will focus on "Shaping Future Generations with AI and OER in Early Development." The session will provide an introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and explore its transformative potential in creating Open Educational Resources (OER) tailored for Early Childhood Development (ECD). Participants will gain […]

Open at Memorial Video Series

Memorial University St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Across Memorial University's campuses, faculties and schools, instructors and educational staff are incorporating Open philosophies and approaches into their teaching, research, publishing, engagement and other scholarly activities. Open access, open publishing and open education foster public engagement and broaden access to the research and teaching work done by Memorial professionals. We invite you to learn […]

Colorado’s K-12 OERColorado Hub and Microsite Platforms

OERColorado Denver, Colorado, United States

In celebration of OE Week 2025, the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) is hosting a webinar showcasing Colorado's K-12 OERColorado Hub and Microsite Platforms. CDE invites anyone interested in learning more about Colorado's work with OER in K-12 education to join us on Monday, March 3 between 4:00PM - 5:00PM MST in Zoom. Email our […]

OER Panel: Faculty Showcase

San Diego Community College District San Diego, CA, United States

In this panel, faculty members will share their experiences integrating OER (Open Educational Resources) into their online courses. This presentation will highlight innovative approaches to using OER to enhance student learning, improve accessibility, and reduce textbook costs. We will showcase a variety of courses that have successfully adopted OER, providing insights, best practices, and lessons […]

Introduction to LibreTexts ADAPT Open Homework and Assessment Platform

LibreTexts Davis, CA, United States

Join LibreTexts Founder and Executive Director, Delmar Larsen, as he gives you an inside look at LibreTexts open homework and assessment platform, ADAPT. Participants will get a firsthand, guided tour on how ADAPT is changing the game when it comes to homework platforms in higher education. Currently sponsored by the California Education Learning Lab (CELL), […]

Poco a poco, se va lejos: Developing a Spanish Z-degree at Colorado State University Pueblo 

University of Northern Colorado Greeley, CO, United States

This talk explores the development and implementation of the Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Spanish degree at Colorado State University Pueblo, a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI). It examines both the theoretical and practical considerations that shaped the process, emphasizing how a custom-built curriculum can integrate students’ lived experiences and identities while aligning with program objectives and course […]

Event Series OEWeek Live!

OE Week Live! March 3 Open Conversations

Online from Multiple Locations

Open Education Week 2025 is happening this week and we are hosting a few of our OEWeek Live webcasts as open conversations. For each show we invite a group of open educators willing to have a discussion that lacks an agenda and slides with bullet points. These conversational sessions start with sharing of their current […]

Teaching with Wikipedia

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

In this 50-minute webinar, you'll learn how to use a Wikipedia assignment and how to access Wiki Education's free support and resources. With the rise of AI, assessing student work is challenging. This session, presented by Andrés Vera from Wiki Education will show how a Wikipedia assignment can take students beyond the classroom. By using faculty […]

Hunting for Open Educational Resources Suited to Your Discipline (In Person)

Concordia University Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Open Educational Resources (OER) are free learning materials for students, which can easily be adapted or tailored for accessible, course-specific learning. This workshop introduces OER basics such as renewable assignments and open textbooks and their place in the open ecosystem. You will learn to search for and discover OER relevant to your courses and disciplines. In […]

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