Events displayed in timezone: UTC

Keynote with Flower Darby – Small Steps with OER: Building Momentum, Promoting Success

San Diego Community College District San Diego, CA, United States

The prospect of updating your class with freely available materials can seem daunting, yet reducing textbook costs and enhancing course relevance is key to advancing equitable student learning. Join us to identify small steps we can take, practical strategies that aren’t overwhelming, to begin or progress your OER journey. Find fresh inspiration to teach engaging […]

Distributing open education to reduce inequity and transform higher education

Online from Multiple Locations

This online session puts open education and open publishing in the broader context of knowledge equity and transformation of higher education. It will feature discussion of a new open online course Distributing education and knowledge creation designed to help build capacity for distributing knowledge to reduce inequity. During the session we will hope to identify […]

Welcome to the LibreTexts “LibreVerse”

LibreTexts Davis, CA, United States

Join a member of the LibreTexts team as we introduce you to the LibreTexts project. We will guide you through each component of what we refers to as the greater "LibreVerse" including: the LibreTexts repository, home to over a million pages of OER content; our state of the art Remixer that allows you to take […]

Got Money? Oregon’s Brain Trust for Local OER Funds

Open Oregon Portland, OR, United States

Local funding for OER and textbook affordability from your own institution’s budget can complement statewide grants and other external sources of support. A group of librarians from Oregon institutions with local funding meet as an informal brain trust to ask questions, share surprises and lessons learned, and showcase projects made possible by funding from their […]

Interview: OER and Social Justice – Glenda Cox

Vancouver Vancouver, BC, Canada

The interview highlights the intersections of open education and social justice, emphasising the potential and challenges posed by generative AI. While AI can exacerbate the digital divide by benefiting higher-income countries with better infrastructure, open education remains a critical tool for ensuring equitable access to learning materials through OER. Additionally, the interview emphasises the importance […]

“Open House” – Celebrating 10 years of Open at USask

University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Celebrate with us - It's been 10 years of Open at USask! Since the start of this journey in 2014, our USask community have worked together on the creation of open educational resources (OER) and open pedagogy projects. Our dedicated work has saved USask students over $9,000,000! During this event we will hear from USask leadership, instructors who have created […]

NorQuest Open Education Pecha Kucha

SCFL 3-071@NorQuest Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

NorQuest continues to do incredible work in Open Education! Faculty at NorQuest College have published a number of successful OERs. Besides being used in our own courses here at the college, many have found an audience in the wider post-secondary world. Join us for a visual journey through the creation of these works, hosted by […]

Open Innovation: AI and Impact on Open Education

National eLearning Center Ar Riyad, Saudi Arabia

This event from the National eLearning Center (Saudi Arabia) explores the intersection of Open Innovation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Open Education. Experts will discuss how AI-driven innovation is transforming learning ecosystems, content creation, and accessibility in open education. The session will also examine potential challenges, ethical considerations, and strategies for harnessing AI to enhance equity […]

Shifting to Community Owned and Operated Open Knowledge

University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

To celebrate Open Education Week (March 3 - 7, 2025), the University of Regina Centre for Teaching and Learning's OEP Program invites you to a special online presentation by Dr. Cable Green, Director of Open Knowledge at Creative Commons. Abstract If we are going to solve the world’s most pressing challenges (e.g., climate change), the […]

Panel: Using LibreTexts for Your Chemistry Courses

LibreTexts Davis, CA, United States

Join instructors Lisa Sharpe Elles (Kansas State University) and Sheba Kuruvilla (Mt. San Jacinto Community College) as they answer questions from participants about how they use LibreTexts in their Chemistry courses.

What is OER? at UTA Libraries

University of Texas at Arlington Arlington, TX, United States

In this presentation from UTA Libraries we will explore Open Educational Resources (OER) as an innovative educational movement by breaking down the elements that define OER, and the benefits for faculty and students We will conclude with what OER support is available for UTA faculty and students. Attend "What is OER?" via Teams

Event Series Collab4Open

Unlocking Education: Discover the Power of OER

St Claire College Chattam-Kent, ON, Canada

Brought to you by Collab4Open. Join us for an eye-opening webinar on Open Educational Resources (OER) and discover how these freely accessible tools can revolutionize your classroom. Learn the benefits of adopting, adapting, and developing your own OER to enhance student engagement and success.  This is an introductory session on OER aimed at addressing the […]

Shifting to Community Owned and Operated Open Knowledge

University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

To celebrate Open Education Week (March 3 - 7, 2025), the University of Regina's Centre for Teaching and Learning OEP Program invites you to a special online presentation by Dr. Cable Green, Director of Open Knowledge at Creative Commons. Abstract If we are going to solve the world’s most pressing challenges (e.g., climate change), the […]

Creating Engaging and Interactive Learning Experiences with Pressbooks + H5P

Pressbooks Montreal, Quebec, Canada

>> REGISTER HERE In this session, we'll share some high-level principles and examples of how to create engaging learning materials in Pressbooks that encourage active learning through the use of social annotation, inline quizzes and other formative assessments. We'll also demonstrate how instructors with access to an enterprise Pressbooks network can easily bring this content […]

Keeping Courses Affordable with Open Educational Resources

Toronto Metropolitan University Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) now requires faculty to include an itemized cost breakdown of all textbooks and learning materials, both required and optional, in their course outlines. Seeing high course fees can be discouraging to students.  One potential solution to keep costs down is through the use of Open Educational Resources […]

OER at Minnesota State

Minnesota State Saint Paul, MN, United States

Minnesota State has fostered the development and use of open educational resources since the early 2010s. This presentation will provide an overview of the work that has been supported, including OER Learning Circles, faculty development workshops, Z-degrees, library resources, grant initiatives, as well as the plans for future support.

OER In Action: Faculty Stories of Success

Indiana Unviersity Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN, United States

Discover how faculty at IU Indianapolis are transforming their classrooms with Open Educational Resources. Hear from nominees and winners of the IU Indianapolis Open Education Award as they share their OER beginnings, challenges, and successes in  using OER to impact student success.

Open Pedagogical Practices: Using Wikipedia in the Classroom with guest presenter Sarah Severson

SCFL 3-071@NorQuest Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Wikipedia in the classroom is often seen as something to avoid or "consumed at your peril." In this presentation, Sarah will discuss how we can reshape this perspective to demonstrate that Wikipedia is an open educational resource that can be utilized alongside open pedagogical practices. Instead of viewing Wikipedia as something we passively consume as […]

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