OEWeek Event Organiser Handbook

Open education is for the good of all students, young, old, and lifelong, formal and informal. Bring your community together this by celebrating Open Education for All.

Open Education is driven by dedicated Open Educators and passionate supporters. OEWeek is an opportunity for you to share your passion with the next group of students, and to inspire new and old colleagues to join you in your work.

On this page … find meaningful ways to celebrate with your community, students, faculty, team, organisation, library or class. 

This year’s hashtags:
Universal hashtag:

Start here!

Are you an educator, team leader, faculty member, support service, education advocate, or someone passionate about the potential open education has to solve some of our most pressing education issues?

We’re so happy you’re here and curious enough to read this page! If you’re looking for direction or inspiration, we’ve put together this handbook to help you build an event to advocate, inform, and engage your community.

Below are ideas about what events to host during OEWeek. There are also several ideas for getting your community, institution, students, staff, or colleagues together for OEWeek 2025.


Dive right in!

About OEWeek

Open Education Week (OEWeek) is an opportunity every March to celebrate the latest achievements in Open Education worldwide. Launched in 2012, Open Education Global hosts Open Education Week as a collaborative, community-built open forum that allows open education practitioners to advocate for, share with, and learn about the latest achievements in open education worldwide.

OEWeek annually raises awareness about open education and highlights innovative practices and successes worldwide. OEWeek provides a platform for practitioners, educators, and students to build a greater understanding of open educational practices and to be inspired by the wonderful work being developed by the community around the world.

Open Education Week raises awareness and highlights innovative open education successes worldwide. 

In-person events


Over the last 12 years, open education-focused departments and communities have held many different kinds of events at schools, colleges, universities, libraries, and tech hubs. These have ranged from creating awareness and visibility (introduction, training sessions) to driving the open education process at their organization further (presentations, panel discussions) or to using the week to further a specific cause within open education, like activism around open textbooks or translating or adapting existing OERs into local languages. 

You can host many different kinds of events. Here are a few event ideas … 

  • An Open Education Book Fair
  • An Open Education treasure hunt at your library
  • An information session for faculty that don’t know about open education
  • A local meet-and-greet or speaking event with local open education activists
  • A Translate-a-Thon or Adapt-a-Thon – work together to translate or adapt existing OERs into a different or local language
  • Photography contest or visual contest
  • An awareness drive about the impact of the cost of textbooks on your students
  • An OER Create-a-Thon: create an open education text book or study guide
  • Workshop a local challenge together with a wider community
  • A round table or panel discussions
  • A how-to series
  • A seminar, symposium, or conference
  • The only limit is your imagination!
Practical tips for on-the-ground events
  • Host your event in an accessible, walkable location from most public transportation hubs.
  • Make sure you keep an active record of everyone who attends your events for safety purposes in terms of contact tracing in the future.

Online events


Local or online

Share with the global community

  • Host an OEG Connect Discussion: get started here
  • Join or start a #OEWeek Hot Topic discussion
  • OER Chat groups or sessions
  • Share a tutorial or training series
  • Host a few webinars on what you are working on, and how you did it.

Other ideas

  • Collaborate with another department or institution locally to pool resources and share ideas.
  • Hold a live DIY (do-it-yourself) tutorial of Open Education “hacks” and tricks for students. Share the video with the rest of the community.
  • Hold a live Q&A (question-and-answer) session where you let your audience ask questions in the comments related to all things education – and how ‘open’ can solve some of these issues.
  • If you are on Instagram, you can also consider doing a joint livestream with a friend, partner, or collaborator! 
  • Host an event on a livestreaming platform – whether on Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, or Youtube, you can team up with education institutions to showcase the impact.

What to talk about and how

Over the years, OE Weekers have covered an impressive amount of topics. Here are just a few:

  • OERs
  • Open Pedagogy
  • Open Access
  • Open Licences
  • Open Course (OCW / MOOCs)
  • Open Textbook
  • Community and Technical Colleges for Open
  • K-12 Education for Open
  • Open Culture
  • Open Data
  • Open Source Software
  • Open Education Degree
  • Open Web
  • Open Research
  • Open Science
  • Education-focused tech & infrastructure
  • Open Policy
  • Other Open Content
  • Open Repositories
  • Open Education Technology

What you cover depends on your audience and what you want them to do with that information. 

  • Why does Open Education matter – talk about how it impacts local students or stakeholders and what problems it will solve. Share with your audience what they can do to help and learn more.
  • Visualize your education challenge – and workshop how to solve it with open practices or resources.
  • Share tips on engaging with and contributing to Open Education – what have you done, what OERs do you use, and what do you wish you had access to?


Collaborate with partners and institutions for greater impact

  • Host some live collaborative events on your social channels,
  • Join forces with another institution that works in Open Ed – or is interested in doing so – and pool your audiences and resources to work through a challenge together,

Are you ready to submit an event?