Events displayed in timezone: Europe/London

OEW@Campus Luzern – Offene Lehrbücher: Zwischen allen Stühlen?

Campus Luzern Luzern, Switzerland

Offene Lehrbücher: Zwischen allen Stühlen? Nicole Krüger, ZHAW Hochschulbibliothek In Nordamerika werden OER und «Open Textbooks» fast synonym gebraucht. Umfangreiche staatliche Förderungen flossen in die Veröffentlichung von Lehrbüchern, die heute […]

Podcasting as Open Pedagogy

University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada

Podcasting provides students with the opportunity to gain experience in open educational practices including finding and using openly licensed audio and sharing their academic work with the wider community. Learn […]

Publishing a Book with Pressbooks – An Introduction

University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada

Pressbooks is a powerful and popular tool for creating open educational resources such as textbooks. Whether you are looking for training for yourself or your research assistants, this training will […]

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