Events displayed in timezone: Europe/London

Training: Open online courses – professional knowledge for everyone

Gdańsk University of Technology Gdańsk, Pomeranian, Poland

This year, Gdańsk Tech University librarians invite everyone, including students and academic teachers, to two short training sessions devoted to open educational resources. The first training, on March 5, will […]

Open source and open education (online chat)

Online from Multiple Locations

Open source software is very effective in democratizing digital capabilities across a vast range of domains. As prime example, Moodle is an open source eLearning platform that powers hundreds of […]

Université Virtuelle du Sénégal, quoi de neuf? _ Ndeye Massata Ndaye

Université vituelle du Sénégal Sangalkam, Sénégal, Senegal

Docteur en informatique, spécialité numérique éducatif Digitalisation de formations - FOAD/MOOC, Ndeye Massata Ndaye nous présentera l'Université Virtuelle du Sénégal, l'intérêt des ressources éducatives libres pour réduire les coûts d'accès […]

Open Publishing with Docsify-This: An Interactive Q&A

Vancouver Vancouver, BC, Canada

Are you interested in exploring the system-independent format of Markdown for online OER content without any website setup or build process? How about seamlessly embedding constraint-free Markdown/HTML into multiple platforms […]

LibreTexts Open Office Hours

LibreTexts Davis, CA, United States

Have a burning question you're dying to ask about the LibreTexts project? Drop in to our open office hours and ask us anything!

Designing and Publishing OERs: Creator Panel Discussion

eCampusOntario Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This panel discussion features OER creators who have recently completed the Specialized OER and Ancillary Resources project. Want to hear from others about taking your project from idea to final […]

Open Badges, Diplômes: quels liens avec l’Open Education?

Université de Lille Lille, France

Comprendre le domaine complexe de l'éducation ouverte et le différencier clairement de l'open source et de l'open science peut être délicat. Actuellement, l'accent est mis sur les open badges, mais […]

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