Events displayed in timezone: UTC

Open Homework Systems: Cost-Effective and Customizable Alternatives to the Big Publishers

University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

In this session, we will explore innovative alternatives to traditional textbook publisher homework systems, focusing on solutions that save students money and offer the instructor greater customization options. We will explore the potential of Canvas New Quizzes and Item Banks as the path forward. Additionally, we will examine the benefits and functionalities of OpenStax Assignable […]

OER Project Management: A Strategic Framework

LibreTexts Davis, CA, United States

Effective OER program management in higher education goes beyond good intentions—it requires strategy, structure, communication, and project management (PM) tools. Join Rachel Fleming, OER Librarian at Irvine Valley College, as she explores OER PM methodologies, including Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), Critical Paths, risk assessment, and stakeholder engagement/information behaviors, while providing practical strategies for sustainability and […]

Open Education 101

University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada

Would you like to learn more about open education and open educational resources but don’t know where to start? This introductory workshop is for you. This session will provide an overview of the open education movement including what it is and why it matters. This session will cover: Definition and examples of open educational resources […]

McMaster University OER Grant & Lightning Talks

McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

This event features McMaster faculty and instructors who are incorporating open education into their teaching. Hear from some of the 2024-2025 OER Grantees as they update us on their awarded projects. Learn about the open resources being created for McMaster courses and hear about experiences in creating open and accessible content. Gather ideas for possible […]

Online University of Windsor Open Education Week Conference

Online from Multiple Locations

The Office of Open Learning at the University of Windsor is hosting a conference throughout the Open Education Week and everyone is invited to join us for a week of free events. Events will be added over time, so check the site regularly. This year will feature presentations about open educational practices, as well as […]

Event Series OEWeek Live!

OEWeek Live: It’s the 2025 Open Education Week Launch!

Online from Multiple Locations

Open Education Week 2025 kicks off today and we launch our live streamed series of conversations with welcomes and perspectives of OE Global co-Executive Directors Igor Lesko and Marcela Morales. These conversational sessions start with sharing of current projects, activities, and interests but flow into general discussions of what is happening in the world of […]

Open Education Week Special Program: Student Staff Talks! Behind-the-scenes of Nagoya University OpenCourseWare (NUOCW)

Nagoya University Nagoya, Japan

As part of Open Education Week, Nagoya University OpenCourseWare (NUOCW) has organized an informative program featuring interviews with student staff members. This initiative offers valuable insights into their experiences and contributions. To view the interview, please click the link provided. Please note that the interview is conducted in Japanese. Open Education Weekにあたり、名大の授業(NUOCW)がお届けする特別企画です。NUOCW学生スタッフへのインタビューを行いました! こちらからご視聴ください↓ Open […]

SUNY Online Celebrates Open Education Week 2025!

The State University of New York Albany, NY, United States

Open Education Week is an annual celebration and opportunity for those working in Open Education across The State University of New York (SUNY) to actively showcase their experiences, expertise and best practices around open and online education. Join us for a series of drop-in sessions offered throughout the week on a wide range of topics, […]

Northeast OER Summit

University of Massachusetts Amherst Amherst, United States

The Northeast Open Educational Resources (OER) Summit is a virtual event for new and experienced OER advocates offering the opportunity to learn and share effective practices in awareness building, implementation, collaboration, strategy, and research. The theme of our 2025 Summit is All Hands on Deck: Exploring Open Education Through Collaboration and Innovation.

Being a Teacher is Difficult- Open Educational Resources Can Help Us

Facultatea de Științe Politice - SNSPA Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

Nowadays, being a teacher is a challenge. The curriculum evolves, the social context changes, the graduate’s profile is (or should be) entirely different. For undergraduate students aiming to become teachers, preparation is now more intense, more varied and more demanding than ever. They will be working with generations of students whose basic and specialized competencies, […]

Ready for Take-off? How Emerging Technologies are Fuelling New Approaches Around OER in the UK & the US

University of Massachusetts Amherst Amherst, United States

Today we are faced with emerging technologies such as (Gen)AI, which have incredible potential – yet also significant risks and challenges. During this panel session at the Northeast OER Summit, we will hear from two forward-looking universities in the UK and the US about their views and experiences with (Gen)AI and OER. While both are […]

L’exploitation de REL par les enseignants de français en Inde et au Canada-Perspectives, pratiques et possibilités

Université de York Toronto, Canada

As part of International Open Education Week 2025, this interactive conversation will bring together specialists and educators from Canada and India to explore the opportunities for teaching and learning French in minority context at post secondary level using Open Educational Resources (OER). Objectives for the chat: 1. To raise awareness of the practices and challenges […]

From UNESCO recommendations to local action – the Swedish case

Karlstad University 65188 Karlstad, Sweden

What strategies do Karlstad University and Sweden have for Open Educational Resources and Open Education and how do they match the recommendations made by UNESCO? Library director Jörg Pareigis talks about the progress being made at Karlstad University and in Sweden to contribute to the national guideslines for Open Science, determined by the National Library […]

Open Education Week 2025 – TU Delft Kick-off

Delft University of Technology Delft, Netherlands

Panel Discussion: “Building Support for Open Education: Present and Future” Insights from key stakeholders about current open education initiatives and future strategies. Panelists: Willem van Valkenburg (Executive Director, Extension School) Ingrid Klok (Manager, Library Education Services) Frank van der Hoeven (Programme Manager, Open Science Programme) Moderator: Freek Pols (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Applied Sciences Poster […]

Carteles Educativos por Wikimedia México

México Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

Desde el Programa de Educación de Wikimedia México organizamos una serie de #CartelesEducativos con la comunidad de WikiEducación en el país, a manera de memoria de proyectos y editatones educativos, talleres, cursos, charlas y otras actividades en torno al fenómeno educativo que ha generado el uso e implementación de Wikipedia y los proyectos Wikimedia dentro y […]

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