Events displayed in timezone: Europe/London

Math Brunch at OE Week

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Within the framework of Open Education Week (OE Week 2025), the EPSEB library at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya organize the workshop Open educational resources: Gate2Math, by the teacher Carles Serrat. Gate2Math is a tool that facilitates access to online mathematical resources in a open and freeThis workshop is aimed at students and teaching and research staff (PDI) of all […]

Biblioteca Științifică a USARB în sprijinul educației deschise: orizonturi noi pentru învățare pe tot parcursul vieţii

Biblioteca Științifică a Universității de Stat Alecu Russo din Bălți, Republica Moldova Bălţi, Moldova, Republic of

În cadrul Panelului de discuţii studenţii, cadrele didactice vor lua act de informaţii calitative privind Resursele educaționale deschise (OER) - elemente cheie în transformarea educațională, iar utilizarea acestora în cadrul Bibliotecii Științifice a Universității de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălți (USARB) are un impact semnificativ asupra îmbogățirii colecțiilor și accesibilității informațiilor. Proiectele derulate de USARB […]

Introduction to Building Courses in LibreTexts ADAPT Open Homework and Assessment Platform

LibreTexts Davis, CA, United States

Join LibreTexts Founder and Executive Director, Delmar Larsen, as he gives you a firsthand look at how to build courses in LibreTexts open homework and assessment platform, ADAPT. Currently sponsored by the California Education Learning Lab (CELL), ADAPT is free for all California instructors and students. For educators outside of California, ADAPT is available at cost–with […]

Open Education Connections: K-12 and Higher Ed

Open Oregon Portland, OR, United States

Interested in collaborating with K–12 educators and leveraging Open Educational Resources (OER) in teaching and learning? Barbara Soots, Assistant Director, Open Education & Instructional Materials in Washington’s Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, leads a session exploring the use of open resources and open education pedagogy in K–12 education. Discover how OER is being utilized and […]

The Triple A’s of Ancillaries: Advancing Academic Achievement

LibreTexts Davis, CA, United States

This interactive session will highlight best practices implementation strategies, and the positive impact of LibreTexts  ancillaries on student comprehension, retention, and application of course content. It features the presenter's firsthand experiences in leading a cohort of subject matter experts in communication to create ancillaries for a LibreTexts textbook.

Copyright and Licensing for Open Educational Resources

University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada

Does your project include work created by others? Do you have questions about Creative Commons licenses and how to incorporate licensed works into your project? This session will introduce you to copyright basics for your OER project and take you through licensing considerations to insure that your work is reusable by others. Importantly it will […]

Integrating OER into Course Design

San Diego Community College District San Diego, CA, United States

Open Educational Resources (OER) offer more than just cost savings—they provide opportunities to rethink course design in ways that enhance student engagement and learning. This session will explore strategies for integrating OER thoughtfully into course structures, ensuring that materials align with learning objectives, support diverse learners, and promote active engagement. Participants will gain practical approaches […]

Creative Commons Wants to Collaborate with You: presentation for Northeast OER Summit

University of Massachusetts Amherst Amherst, United States

During the Northeast OER Summit, Jennryn Wetzler, Creative Commons Director of Learning and Training, will present "Creative Commons Wants to Collaborate with You." Join the Summit online to participate. Presentation Abstract: Want to collaborate with Creative Commons? We are open! Creative Commons (CC) is a global non-profit organization; we believe in a world where education, […]

Introduction to LibreTexts Commons&Conductor Platform

LibreTexts Davis, CA, United States

Join a member of the LibreTexts team as we introduce you to our Commons & Conductor platform. A multi-functional platform that provides enhanced searching capabilities across all of LibreTexts over one million page of openly licensed content via the Commons, as well as a project management platform that provides a gathering point for all of […]

Reduce Student Costs, Boost Success: Open Resources for the Win

J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Richmond, VA, United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Discover a wealth of open educational resources available through the VIVA Textbook Faculty Portal, the Open Textbook Library as well as other OER repositories. During this session, Librarians Robin Pesko and Denise Woetzel from the Reynolds Community College Library will talk about navigating OER repositories and metafinders to find resources for your classes, previewing and […]

Interview: Open Educational Practices – Dr Rajiv Jhangiani

Vancouver Vancouver, BC, Canada

In this interview, Dr Rajiv Jhangiani highlights the importance of open educational practices (OEP) in democratising learning. He advocates for student-centred pedagogies, including co-creation of course policies and assessments, to enhance engagement and agency. Additionally, he stresses the growing focus on social justice within OEP, particularly in redistributive, recognitive, and representational justice, while also addressing […]

Learners as Creators: An Introduction to Open Pedagogy

University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

In this session, participants will learn how to use open pedagogy to increase learner engagement and reduce concerns related to students using GenAI outside of accepted guidelines and rules. Participants will have an opportunity to draft a new or revised assessment in alignment with the principles of open pedagogy.

San Diego Community College District OER Grants

San Diego Community College District San Diego, CA, United States

Across the state of California, funding is becoming more readily available for efforts in OER. Join this presentation to become familiar with grants available to faculty who are interested in adopting or developing OER and explore application process. Join the San Diego Community College District Open Ed Week via Zoom Events and attend this presentation […]

OE Week at East Los Angeles College (ELAC) Student Engagement

East Los Angeles College Monterey Park, CA, United States

East Los Angeles College (ELAC) students will be welcomed to learn more about ZTC at our table on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during OE week. We will table from 11am - 2pm on those days. There will be a "money board" for students to demonstrate how much they paid for textbooks in the previous semesters, […]

Webinar: Affordable and Accessible Learning

Centre of Canada Baker Lake, Nunavut, Canada

Presented by the Canadian Coalition for Affordable Learning With the recent decrease in international learners studying in Canada and with threats of trade wars and tariffs looming, the Canadian Coalition for Affordable Learning is presenting an exclusive workshop about accessible and affordable learning in postsecondary education. On March 4 at 2pm EST, join Alexandra Marcaccio (Council […]

Turning Data into Action: Responding to Illinois Students’ Need for Equity of Course Materials

Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois Champaign, IL, United States

In this webinar, hear how a diverse group of institutions are responding to Illinois students’ course material experiences and preferences expressed in the 2023 Illinois Course Materials Survey: Student Perspective. Representatives from College of DuPage, Lincoln Land Community College, Millikin University, Oakton College, and Southern Illinois University Carbondale will describe their institutional support and methods […]

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